The Harbinger Wiki
AR-38 MS

The AR-38 Modular System is a modification to the AR-38, which allows the assault rifle to be turned into different weapons for different situations on the fly.


After the AR-38 first saw combat, the Muteki Daitai PMC was pleased with the results of the assault rifle. However, certain critics within the PMC expressed the need to improve upon the rifle for situations where a squad may be lacking an LMG or DMR, for example. As a result, the Daitai began to consider giving the AR-38 a modular system, in order to fill this gap, as it could be a time before a fire team with the appropiate weapons arrived. When Magpul-Remington Weapons Technologies showcased their modular system, the program was greenlit.


AR-38: The base model of the AR-38, an assault rifle. Equipped with 6.5mm rounds.

AR-38S: A shotgun variation of the AR-38, which allows the rifle to become a shotgun through a quick modification of the receiver, firing mechanism, and barrel. Not only can 12G buckshot be fired from the barrel, but Frag, Flechette, and Slugs as well.

AR-38C: A carbine version of the AR-38.

AR-38LMG: A Light Machine Gun variation of the AR-38. This is acheived with a box magazine, replacing the firing mechanism, and giving the weapon a longer barrel.

AR-38D: A Designated Marksman Rifle variation, which is achieved through giving the rifle a longer barrel, thus giving longer range at the sacrifice of rate of fire. A scope with 4x to 16x zoom is also used.

AR-38SR: A Sniper Rifle variation of the AR-38, similar in concept to the AR-38D, but with a longer range and superior penetrating power. A scope with 4x to 32x zoom is used.

AR-38P: A PDR/SMG variant of the AR-38 with a higher rate of fire.

AR-38H: A heavy variant of the AR-38 has been confirmed. The AR-38H boasts larger 7.62mm rounds, much like the SCAR-H. This is at the cost of rate of fire.

AR-38L: A lighter modification of the AR-38, which has smaller 5.56mm rounds, but a higher rate of fire.
